BY: Harry DeNegre, President
Photo by: Kenneth Boone

(This article was published in the September 2024 issue of Lake Magazine)
Things are always changing at Lake Martin. The Alabama
Legislature has passed a couple of new laws that will take effect in October.
There has been a lot of discussion on social media concerning these laws. Some
of it has been correct, and some of it has been inaccurate. I thought I would
take a stab at it. I am hoping I will be accurate and correct. To review the
information directly from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, please
The first piece of legislation I wanted to discuss is best
known as the proximity law. I believe it is also known as House Bill 209. This
bill was passed and signed into law by our governor. It goes into effect Oct.
1, 2024.
Basically, this law states that within 200 feet of any
shoreline, dock, pier, boathouse or other structure on the waters of Lake
Martin, a rider behind a boat is not allowed to wakeboard or wake surf.
This bill would also prohibit the operation of a motorboat
above idle speed within 100 feet from any shoreline, dock, pier, boathouse or
other structure on Lake Martin.
For factual and informative purposes, you can read Alabama
House Bill 209 on the Alabama legislature website.
The next piece of legislation has to do with nonresident
boaters. Effective Oct. 1, 2024, nonresidents may operate a vessel upon the
waters of this state only after obtaining a valid boater safety certification
or vessel operator’s certification issued in his or her home state or country,
or after obtaining a Nonresident Alabama Boater Safety Certification upon
examination and certification under the same terms and conditions as Alabama
For further clarification, please visit the Alabama Marine
Patrol website.
The last legislation I wanted to discuss is House Bill 208,
which dealt with the legal size limit of boats operated on Lake Martin. This
bill did not pass The Alabama State Legislature and was not
signed into law. The bill sought to increase the legal size of boats allowed to
operate on Lake Martin from 30 feet, 6 inches to 40 feet. The Legislature
decided to table this legislation at this time. Lake Martin has current signed
legislation that allows for a legal length of 30 feet, 6 inches. The legal
speed limit for boats on Lake Martin is 65 miles per hour. There seems to be a
lot of confusion about this bill’s status. It did not pass but may come up again
in the Legislature.
ALEA will be publishing this information and warning
citizens for an initial period of time before enforcing these new laws with
penalties. HOBOs requests that you visit the ALEA website for any
clarifications or information you require pertaining to these matters.
We will hold a drive to join the Lake Martin HOBOs.
Individuals can join the organization for $15. Annual membership for families
is $25. We would love to have you join our organization.
- Applicants must go to the Department of Public Safety
Driver’s License Examining Office in theircounty of residence.
- Make application and pay appropriate fee ($5).
- Answer medical questions.
- Successfully complete written/oral exam or show proof
of exemption (boating course certificate of completion or age exemption).
- Take the proper form to an ALEA driver license exam
office to have the “V” class placed on driver’s license.
- Proof of Age: Every minor must furnish a certified
copy of his/her birth certificate, original Social Security card, and a
certified statement from the superintendent of the school the person attends
containing name, date of birth and address.

Harry DeNegre
President, Lake Martin HOBOs.