HOBOs Annual Breakfast Meeting and Election of Board Members
The Lake Martin Homeowners and Boat Owners Association, Inc. (HOBOs) invite you to attend our 2025 Annual Breakfast Meeting. As always, we will be serving a complete free breakfast to our members and only fifteen ($15) dollars for visitors. You can join the HOBOs Association for $ 15.00 and get a complimentary free breakfast. Everyone is invited to join us for our business meeting and elections, followed by presentations by guest speakers. Their presentations will cover items and issues of interest to all our members.
● When: Saturday, March 1, 2025 – Early Registration 8:30 a.m. Meeting at 9:15 a.m. You can begin eating as soon as the food arrives
● Where: First Baptist Church, 178 South Tallassee St. Dadeville, AL 36853. Please enter through the west side of the church from the big parking lot. You will see the HOBO banner.
● What: Lake Martin HOBOs Annual Meeting (Breakfast and Guest Speakers)
● Guest Speakers:
○ Mr. Ed Oliver, State Representative of House District 81.
○ Tallapoosa County Commissioner (To be named later)
Please contact Betsy Keown to make your reservation. Call (256 825-3985) or email to info@lakemartinhobos.com. Please be sure to leave your name and callback phone number when you leave a message.
The last day we will take reservations will be Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
If you are not able to attend the Annual Meeting, please complete and return the proxy form.
_2025 HOBO PROXY FORM .pdf
Address:PO BOX 1030Dadeville, AL 36853
Copyright @2021 Lake Martin HOBOs, all rights reserved